Monday, March 26, 2012

Back to lists

Got behind in doing the 30 days of lists while I was at camp. Since it doesn't really matter which order you do them in, I'm going to continue this week by doing the current daily list, and then a couple from the previous week until I catch up. You get to see 4 today.
As always, the base page first so you can see how pages change.
First today's base page
List 25 : Title options for my autobiography
I really didn't want to cover up that beautiful butterly paper - they became an inspiration for one of my titles, and another you'll recognise as my blog title. The Mummy Look was a superpower from another list, and Lighten Up is my word for 2012.
A week ago we finished with list 17. So here's base page 18.
List 18 : Family Traditions (you can click on any photo to see the detail)
Base pages 19-20 are a double-spread of Alice images. Again, didn't want to cover them up.
List19 : Dear_________, you can make me happy in the following ways.
This became a letter to my boys - a mix of what I feel proud of already, and my dreams for them as they grow into men.
List 20 : Favourite memories.
Hope you are enjoying the lists. Not long until the end of March now.


  1. Love your letter to Sam and Jacob!

  2. Your lists are so creative Lynette.
    I journal in fits and starts, but I'm more into embroidery at the mo - just the stages we go thru I guess.

    Loved your certificate from camp - makes it all worthwhile!!!
    I love finding friends book lists too - I'll check these out at the library!

  3. Love your lists - I am still only at the title stage - oh well - one day I will catch up (maybe!)


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