Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Looking ahead

A few different things on my mind this week with March just around the corner:
On my current "to do" list - a couple of friends having babies in March...at least I have made a start on a small quilt
I've been working on my Calendar pages - call back on the 1st to see how my base Feb pages turned out and what's inspiring me for March
I'm going to participate in 30 days of lists this March - details of the base pages in this post - and have completed my cover in readiness
Loving my new white uni-ball signo pen. The butterflies were stamped with white acrylic paint - quite like that ghostly effect.
I'm in the process of shifting creative spaces in my house....more soon
And some inspiring blog loves  for your week::
Sea Angels - lovely images
Ros Lymer - creative textile works
Check out Anni's latest gorgeous book creation
Dylan Reavely creates beautiful sprayed and stamped pages -- check out some of her pages and products here...she was also videoed at CHA 2012 demoing a page....it's great to watch her in action and pick up some new tips for spraying and constructing pages -- enjoy
See you in March :-)


  1. Gorgeous ghostly butterflies! And I can see why Craig really likes your pukeko quilt!And as always your bloglove is great evening entertainment - love the images on seaangels!

  2. I think I'll start a calendar spread for March as well - I haven't done one before. Thanks for the links and for responding to my query about resources - I'll visit PN soon!

  3. Lovely post Lynette. I keep running after my Feb spread, I frequently forget to fill it in! The white pen looks fab on the black, very effective. Mx

  4. I just bought a white uniball signo, because I heard such good things about them. Haven't tried it yet, but it's so hard to find a good working white gel pen, so I hope this is a winner.


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