Monday, February 6, 2012

Letter Love at last

Hi everyone - it's been a long weekend here in New Zealand and at last I've got caught up on the first 3 lessons of Letter Love....only trouble is, we've been away so now I'm 3 more lessons behind! Guess I will have more fun over the next few days ;-)
Front Cover
The first lesson task was to make a cover for our working examples/inspiration journal. Included some lettering papers for the collage and the lips and tape hearts seemed appropriate given the course title.
Back cover
Lesson 2 was to take all our pens and markers and start making some alphabets in different styles. This was a really useful exercise in a few different ways. Firstly, I know I need the course because it was quite difficult for me to think of ideas for different lettering!
The exercise is really useful to see how different styles of pen perform. After the 1st alphabet page, I just used the exercise to write the name of each type of pen.
This is going to be a useful reference for the future. Also I'd never looked that closely at some of my pens - who knew that on the Zig calligraphy pens you get a 5.0 and a 2.0 end, but the Zig calligraphy metallic ends are 2.0 and 3.5!
Lesson 3 was a reminder to practice and have fun playing. We needed to make a sign of Play, Pratice, Write, Repeat. I've mounted mine inside the front cover of the above book to remind me to keep going.
The rest of my long weekend was spent camping.
Bushwalking through Totara Reserve
Listening to lovely Tui and Bellbirds, and spotting lovely fat Kereru (our gorgeous native wood pigeons)
And lots of rock throwing in the river
Hope you have a good week


  1. That lettering class seems like a lot of fun. And I love the photograph of the tree!

  2. Love the lettering. Just gorgeous and so inspiring


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