Wednesday, December 7, 2011

December delights

December is delivering Summer Sun which is greatly welcomed after the wettest November we can remember. So proud of Jacob (age 11) who went to Interschool Athletics yesterday and got 3rd for Shot Put!
Have you remembered Tim Holtz's 12 tags of Christmas and Lisa Vollrath's free holiday printables daily through December?
We are enjoying summer fruits for lunch (altho not like this every day!)
and the roses are performing beautifully this year
Featuring Elina and Hot Chocolate
We are all enjoying good books - I've just finished this
and started this for which she won the 2006 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction...
It's a parallel novel that retells Louisa May Alcott's novel "Little Women" from the point of view of their absent father.
We will read these many times this month :-)
Still madly stitching this week, and I've another wee project in mind so I've been adding a bit of spray to some pages.
Looking forward to a Christmas celebration with stitchy friends tomorrow in Woodville, and from this weekend things start to get crazy busy.
If you are in Palmy on Friday, don't forget to rock up to the alt.shift.craft fair for the year. At the library this time.
Hope you are delighting in December :-)

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