Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Wellington Road Trip

We did a bit of travelling at the end of our holidays. First Castlepoint on Friday, and then Wellington on Saturday.
Different focus from the beach - this time we went to shop ;-)
Boys got models and rugby gear, and I had some lovely creative time.
Check out the art work on the walls where we walked from the carpark.
Minerva is a lovely bookshop on Cuba Street - mainly textile focussed. Am always tempted when I go in and this time was no exception. I was quite tempted by this book :
I thought - I don't really NEED it, and she's bound to have a blog or website. Now I wish I'd bought it...She DOES have a website - click on the buttons for examples of her work, not forgetting the bottom purple button "contact" - click on the TV once you get there and play a bit of her talking about her work. Also read an interview with her here and check out her work Mobile Library. There's a bit more of her work on Flickr, but the book would have been a lovely reference....{sigh}
As we headed back up Cuba Street for lunch, we found this artist performing on the street.
His juggling act was great (can you see he's juggling fire sticks?)
and his hoop work amazing
Also got to Gordon Harris
Was very excited to find the Golden Airbrush Colors on special that I mentioned here.
Purchased 5 different colours, and now I'll be able to try out the ideas demonstrated here. Looking forward to seeing how they compare with my other sprays. Promise I'll share any play experiments.


  1. Hi Lynette.....I've enjoyed catching up with your blog posts and (as always) find all your links very interesting. Becky Adams makes such delightful books!

  2. Wellington looks as if it was fun -and I can see why you wish you had bought Becky Adams book....I wish you had too!!!


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