Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Mainly books

Hi there - feeling very frustrated currently because my camera battery charger is having some issues so I can't take or download photos to show you what I've been up to.
In the meantime I thought I would share a few books I'm enjoying.
My current Fiction read :
Loving this - beginning in 1791 it tells the story of an orphaned Irish girl who comes to live with slaves on a Tobacco Plantation. Great characterisations and  page-turning plot.
Purchased on my recent lovely Napier holiday, this fabulous publication :
Twelve quilt artists have embarked on an art challenge together. Every few months they make a small quilted art piece -- 12x12 inches -- on a designated theme or colourplay palette. This book shares their first challenges - every 2 months one of them picked a theme. Over the course of the 2 years, the artists created 144 art quilts, and they are all in the book. Each chapter shares one of the themes and features one of the artists talking about their experience as a Twelve and something of their creative process. So inspiring. Love that I've had a class with Kirsten Duncan, that I've always enjoyed Terri Stegmiller's work, and that there are 10 more new artists to discover here.
They have a blog where they share their process and progress, and you can link from there to each of their individual blogs. Also check out their website for more information.
Other stitchy goodness can be found in this NZ publication :
I really should own this because I have taken it out of the library several times and discover someone new each time. Was published in 2006 so features people that are still creating new work. My new discovery this time around was Ailie Snow - when I googled her I got to this image for her website and knew I was in for a treat.
Her gallery headings are cloth + stitch, handmade books, journal pages, and postcards. You can click on any of those titles to go straight to that gallery.
Another new blog love discovery : Su - Living on the Edge : really like her textile art posts.
 And I'll leave you with my Tulips.
Getting past their best now as I look out the window, but they put on a great show.
Talk to you again when my camera is working!


  1. So annoying when equipment doesn't work. Hope it gets fixed soon. Still, nice to see what you're reading and your tulips look great. So strange to see tulips in your garden when over here fall is setting in and the tulips are long gone. ;-)

  2. Thank you for the nice review of our Twelve X Twelve book!! It is always fun to find someone new who loves it.

  3. I love some good reading. Thanks for those suggestions. Those bright coloured tulips are amazing.
    I hope your camera issues are soon sorted for you.
    Thanks Lynette for visiting
    All good wishes to you,


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