Monday, October 31, 2011

A Card A Day finished

Set myself a challenge at the beginning of this month to make a card a day. Have reached the end of the month and the end of the cards. The final 3 are collages mixing various papers, fabric and stitch. Love those metallic threads for xmas sparkle.
Card 29
Card 29 features another bit of the serviette that I used on the Hope card. I like how they blend with whatever is behind them. Also enjoy recycling old stamps.
Card 30
Sari ribbon features again in Cards 30 & 31.
Card 31
Sprayed the background of Card 31 - the lucky last of the month. I really like the blue & silver combination.
And here are all 31 (click on the mosaic to see them a bit larger)
Create a photo mosaic here.
Which card was your favourite?


  1. Great to see the mosaic of all your cards and all their variety....hard to choose a favourite but the thread spools card would be up the top!

  2. I think that anyone would be rapt to receive any of them - but if I'm having to pick - #29. Love the recycled stamp idea.
    Well done!

  3. Good job! You must be so proud of yourself for finishing this challenge!


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