Tuesday, September 27, 2011

More spray - stencil - stitch fun

Continuing to do more pages inspired by Roben-Marie's class
Still enjoying how the layers build up....
The above spread created on the back of this one
Loving how that stitching can create loveliness on both sides
Really inspired by last night's Rose City Quilter's meeting. Lorna Newsome was our speaker - she is one of our very talented members and showed us loads of her quilts. Her work is beautiful and makes me want to get back to creating quilts....watch this space.
Check out these blog posts :
Although I haven't received my Quilting Arts mag yet, a comment by Dale led me to discover Susan Lenz' blog.
Beautiful story cuffs by Ruth Rae.
Cute idea and visual tutorial from Julie Fei-Fan Balzer to make a coin envelope mini book.
Only just had time to properly look at the blog for The Sketchbook Challenge - if you haven't checked it out it's worth a look - includes some useful tutorials. Also some lovely guest profiles from some of my fav artists like Cas Holmes and Beryl Taylor and...just go look already!
Be inspired this week

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