Friday, September 23, 2011

The End!!

After what seemed like the longest week in my working history, I have finished my 3 month working contract - {happy dance}
Thanks for the postcard, P :-)
While I love the library, the wonderful staff, and (most of) the challenges, I am looking forward to reconnecting with the friends I've been missing  - 3 coffee and lunch dates booked already for next week!- more creative time, some spring cleaning and a tidy up in the garden. Starting this weekend by spending time with the kids that isn't interrupted with having to do chores - all of that can wait until Monday :-)
Started off on the right creative note this evening by visiting the ALT.SHIFT.CRAFT fair. Lots of crafty goodness. Didn't purchase much this time around, but I took a friend and can show you what we purchased between us....
First stop was Carole's stall - lots of lovelies. Visit her Etsy store if you want to check her out some more.
Our purchases were wrapped in lovely stamped brown paper bags
Lovely hand-dyed ribbon for me (couldn't resist my 2 current fav colours)
Lavender bag for Rhonda - wish you could smell it! Mmmmmmmm
Then onto Deb's stall where Rhonda purchased a ring
Lots of lovely fun.
Check out these blog loves for your weekend :
Beautiful post about transparency by Sweetpea Path
Stackoholics at The Altered Page - who doesn't love stacks of papery goodness, and you can find a whole lot more new blogs to love!
OMG - endless beauty here
Mysterious paper sculptures in libraries
Enjoy - and have yourselves a wonderful creative weekend.


  1. My goodness, thank you so much...
    Such lovely ribbon pretties!

  2. Gorgeous links - I love the transparent beauties and the library sculptures are amazing, love the air of mystery of them!

  3. It was just so nice to see you and your friend Rhonda on Friday, Lynette!! I love your enthusiasm and bubbly personality and most of all your creativity! I think you should just go ahead and get cracking on your own stall wares and we'll see you in December, aye?


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