Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Good stuff

Good fun
These colours make me happy.
I love hearts and spirals.
Good things at the Palmertson North City Library : this was a good read.
And there is a new Palmerston North City Library email newsletter service - once you subscribe you can get newsletters that inform you about good books to read, movies to watch, and events to attend at the library. Check it out here.
Then for something completely different, check out some lovely felt flower bouquets
And Roben-Marie's handcarved stamps with links to some good tutorials here.
Next time I post it will be Spring!...now that will be really good :-)


  1. I had to smile at your last sentence. Sometimes I forget you live on the other side of the world and I was thinking 'Spring? She's not gonna post for over half a year?' Duh! Here fall is slowly approaching (well, weatherwise it's already been here all summer, haha).

  2. awesome colors and love the hearts and spirals!! I am a "polka dot" kinda gal!!! so any kind of size circle I can find I love!! keep having fun!! hugs!

  3. Always good to see your artwork...and follow all those links :-)
    Thank you!

  4. beautiful warm colours!
    Love it...

    xx Tessa

  5. Thanks for the link to the library newsletter - have signed up for it and also passed it on to other friends! We are so lucky with our fantastic library!


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