Friday, August 5, 2011

August goodness

Recently I've found it restful at night to simply glue down papers and images to make base art journal pages for this journal.
In this post back in January, I altered the cover and made some inital pages.
Maybe next year instead of the calendar challenge I'll use these pages for art journalling and I can share them again in their completed state.
Here's some bloggy inspiration for this month :
Another gorgeous calendar for your desktop from Geninne - scroll down to her 1 August post.
If you are like me and want to try making different kinds of books, but don't have a subscription to Cloth Paper Scissors magazine, you might be interested in this free e-book.  
Alisa Burke has a new book due out at the end of August - she has a promotional video which talks about the book and her whole creative process which I found really interesting.
Cynthia Schaffer was the artist featured on the cover of the latest Art Quilting Studio
I looked up her blog and found all these great ideas by searching her Mixed Media category 
Have a lovely weekend - I can feel spring in the air....


  1. Really like that top photo...the page is going to be great to work on :-)
    Thanks for the link to Cynthia...I've just been there for quite some time!

  2. your journal is lovely..makes me want to dress up mine..thanks for the lovely links..

  3. Where did you find the lovely music quote? Ive just realised that I can magnify your images so that I could read it.....!!!


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