Wednesday, June 15, 2011


It was my birthday yesterday and I have been thoroughly spoilt so thought I would capture some of the joys for me to look back on, as well as to share with you. Firstly, I have updated my profile picture. This is me on my birthday. I was well wined & dined yesterday...this was my lunchtime dessert. I couldn't decide, so they gave me a "small" serve of both the lemon meringue pie and the white chocolate cheesecake : Bella's Cafe is the best.
I have new books to read, DVDs to watch, and a fabulous new CD to listen to (more on the books in another post). My love for accessories wasn't forgotten either :-) And I always extend my birthday over several days so there was another birthday lunch today with some VERY special friends of mine. I have lovely spring flowers on my table (they were wrapped in lovely black lutradur which I will use in later stitching) and they bought me this beautiful footstool which will be lovely to use to support my feet when I am hand stitching, and will also inspire my creations when I look at the stitched details. I also got some presents before my birthday which are tools for creativity but I think I will share them in a later post!
Talk to you again soon


  1. Ah! Very nice - and you deserve it! Lots of creativity to come too! Glad you have lovely people to share a special day with.

  2. Happy birthday! I had to smile about the dessert cakes. Whenever there's a birthday party in our family and there are several cakes to choose from it has become a tradition to get a small piece of each cake.
    Looks like you had a good day and were spoiled as well. Good for you!

  3. Gorgeous footstool -how wonderful to have special friends who love and know you so well!

  4. Happy Birthday, so glad you had a wonderful time...

  5. Happy Birthday!!! What a fabulous footstool!

  6. Oh happy birthday, Lynette! I saw Philippa's photos on Facebook. I couldn't work out whose birthday it was, though. So, happy belated, my dear friend!


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