Sunday, March 6, 2011

Hearts for Christchurch

The thoughts of all New Zealanders continue to be with Christchurch.
On Friday our school had a Red & Black mufti day to raise funds for the Christchurch Earthquake Appeal - we raised $2184.50 - a fantastic effort. I painted our boys' faces - in this photo my big boy is on the left.
A woman in Napier has started a lovely initiative called Hearts for Christchurch. We had a wet weekend so I used my spare moments to make some.
I started by making some with fabric paper - inspired by Belinda Spiwak's "Puffy Hearts" article in Cloth Paper Scissors : Sept/Oct 2008. You can download a colour copy of that article if you belong to the Quilting Arts community (it costs you nothing to belong).
Then I saw this really cool post by Tizart, and decided I would like to make fabric ones as well. I spray-basted scraps of fabric to thin batting, free-motion quilted it together with my favourite swirl motif, then cut out the hearts which are now stitched together, embellished and ready to post tomorrow.


  1. These hearts are so lovely - both artistically and emotionally - they radiate care and support!

  2. These are fantastic, both different types. You have been busy.

  3. Those hearts are beautiful. Very unique and pretty.

  4. What a lovely way to support all those poor people.


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