Monday, February 7, 2011

Neutral hanging

Next project from my Mixed Media Melange online course. We were challenged to work with a neutral palette. This was a hard one for me since I am usually all about colour :-)
First layer - papers glued over canvas paper. Painted with layers of neutral paint (I prefer the white to the titanium buff colour since I had such a dark collage layer). Not very excited by it at this point. Amazing what an image and some stitching and tags can do :-) Machine-stitched down each side - left hand fancy programmed machine stitch - right hand is my fav free-motion swirly stitch. . "Create" stamped onto fabric and then stitched to hanging and free-motioned around the words and up to the heart. Some of the tags were dyed with walnut ink - then stamped, or drawn on, some dried flowers applied, and others with punched flowers. And here it is hanging in situ on my arty room door - and now I love it.Fantastic course - you should join us.....Tyvek tomorrow - can't wait.


  1. This is beautiful - I love what you've done!

  2. Oh I just love your artful ctreation Lynette.
    I would l0ve to join you on this course but with my family arriving from France I'm saving my pennies at the mo!!!
    Thanks so much for visiting my blog, do come back again!!
    ps Those fairy shoes are just so sweet - what was your grans reaction?


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