Thursday, February 3, 2011

First Mixed Media Melange experiments

At last I had a chance to play today with the ideas from the 1st lesson of my Mixed Media Melange online workshop. This lesson was about playing with our limited colour palette, and then adding interference or iridescent paints to see the different effects. It was fun to just play and I tried a few things I haven't tried before or haven't done in a while. Am posting the pages with just acrylic paint first, and then with the addition of the interference or iridescent paint.Fun with bubble wrap on this one, and nice to use foam stamps again - I overstamped with the iridescent green. My first time using interference violet paint. The effect is just like the colours you get when you blow bubbles in the sunshine. I think the gold highlights work well on this one. Not my fav, but I now have a liking for that silver iridescent paint. Now we're in my preferred colour palette :-) Love the interference paint on this one - through sequin waste.There hasn't been much stitching lately on this blog, but the present for my Gran's birthday is mainly stitched and I promise to share it with you on the weekend.


  1. These are beautiful! The interference didn't do much for me but I guess I need to try again. Love the sequin waste and the doily.

  2. love them both , my favourite the last one. have fun this weekend jo

  3. Love the effect of all the layers - and it looks as if you had a fun playday!


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