Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sharing the love

Sun-filled days at our place.Our creative playday on Tuesday was a wonderful sharing of ideas, and lovely food, but not a stitch made! Never mind - it was awesome for 4 crafty girls to just spend some hours together - the gift of time was welcome. Thankyou Katherine, Lisa and Tracy :-)
I am catching up on blogs I follow and thought I would share some of the blog love I have discovered today - so many creative people....
First up - a lovely free december calendar page in gorgeous pinks from Freepeople
Fabulous ideas from Alisa Burke for using book pages to create for Xmas and beyond
A beautiful white heart page made by DJ Pettitt - perfect for the season
Dina Wakely continues to inspire with inky tags -- I want some more Colour wash inks ;-)
December Collage Challenge by Green Paper - 1 week to do it...
And you can also get free image postings from Lisa Volrath here :: new images every day of December
Enjoy and I'll share more again soon.


  1. Sunshine ! We have a blanket of snow here ! my son is using his knee board as a sledge !

  2. actually I could have used that slip n slide yesterday!!! My daughter used to have one, It was really fun.

  3. Wowza Lynette! I love all these links you've got listed here! You seem to have a nose for finding the best, ha ha! Oooo loook at your children - my gawd but I still remember very clearly when you were pregnant with them! Arrggghh...does it really happen that quickly, them growing up?


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