Monday, December 20, 2010

Paper, Card and Stitch

Ready to share a couple more small projects I've managed in the last week.
First up, small books that would be great stocking fillers : You can make them with double-sided paper, or simply glue thinner paper together as I did. Reinforce the cover with an extra piece of thin card between the papers. Fold the pages in 1/2 and slide inside the cover. They are fixed together with brads, the fastenings of which are hidden on the back with the extra paper strip.Next up, another wee gift box idea from the book I used for my "Apple for the Teacher" project : Simply cut and I just used decorative tape inside to hold it all together.I had fun with my Xmas cards this year. Decided I wanted to make them, but then was running out of time so had to keep it simple. I like torn paper, and started by adding metallic stitched stars.Then ran out of what was loaded on the bobbin, and tried a variegated instead, and ended up with this kind of thing....even got creative with words. Still aiming for a post about angels before Xmas. Talk to you soon...


  1. These are all so, so cool! You've inspired me to get stitching some tags in time for Christmas, and the gift box would be perfect for little presents of chocolate truffles for workmates.....! Looking forward to the angels!

  2. Some beaut ideas here, Lynette! Loving those little books! Hope you have a very merry xmas. Not long now!!!!


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