Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Spray paint and stencils

Part 2 of our play day from last week - I am an admirer of Dina Wakley's graffiti-type journals using spray paint. She has a good-looking on-line class called "Graffiti of My Life" - other sample pictures from her blog here. Also don't forget to look at Martha Lever's chunky book created from that class which I shared in the last blog post.
Been wanting to try this kind of technique, but no spare money for a class at present so armed instead with an online tutorial by her with some useful tips, Katherine & I had a go -in the garage. We didn't have the proper sprays, so our attempts were okay but not great to start with, although watering down silk paints seemed to give a reasonable result through small atomiser bottles. Part of the problem was the paints were too runny with fine stencils. The most success came once we started using grungeboard stencils as a resistThese examples below show a lovely page in Katherine's journal which she had painted first and then sprayed through a stencil on top. The ones on the right show how I used a grungeboard cutout as a resist, and then flipped it over onto the lower page so we got the coloured opposite image.Katherine left me with several atomisers of watered-down silk paints to try, and today I used the lot! Love the ones using the grungeboard swirly designs. You can see I also used an ordinary alphabet stencil, and I also had a heavy piece of cardboard with holes in it which was the remains of a board game with the pieces taken out - more stuff to keep! I am happy with the papers I now have, and will try & create some pages inspired by Dina. The colour mixes are lovely, but I quite fancy the grungy one using just black spray too.My next plan is to purchase some proper sprays (eg. Smooch Inks, or Glimmer Mists or the Adirondack Colour Wash sprays - the challenge is finding sources and the best price in NZ - any suggestions?) and do some more experiments....I would also like to try making my own stencils. Will share more as they the meantime, this is another cool tutorial by Dina using Ink Resist technique (written, not video this time) and this is a link to an interview with Dina which I liked once again for the pretty pic's of her work :-)


  1. And there I was thinking you must be busy doing the groceries when I got the answer phone today.........!!!! These look so cool - grungeboard stencils are now definitely on my list of must-haves! And I enjoyed reading the interview with Dina - art always means so much more when something of what's behind it is known!

  2. Oooh, what fun! I love 'em all, fantastic!! Wish I were there playing with ya.

  3. Lynette, go to and register, then contact Barbara and see if she will send them out in the post.

  4. They look great even if you had to improvise with atomisers and silk paint ! How envious of your large garage space to lay stuff out. I do it in the kitchen and get lots of disapproving looks.

  5. These are beautiful! You are so sweet to put a link for me. The Adirondack inks will give everything a punch. You will love them.
    Have a great day!

  6. Lynette - looks like you had a gas! LOVE seeing all the pages, all the colors, and all the stencils! *swoon*


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