Friday, October 8, 2010


Yay for Friday. Holidays are always a curious mix of loveliness and craziness. It has been great to stay in PJ's until 9am and not have to make school lunches, but two brothers age 6 and 10 can also drive you to distraction with their arguing/annoying of each other.
Happily, there were lots of good things this week - first barbecue of the season on Monday evening! More than half this week was sunny and warm. Started weeding the garden and the lawn has finally been mowed - looks so great. New colour in the garden The collage challenge of my last post is the only thing completed this week. I have lots of lovely fabric laid out in my sewing/craft room waiting for the right quilt pattern.And I am half way thru another applique block - had to buy some more fusible. Hopefully can show you this after the weekend.Read this book and really enjoyed it. Quite different from others of hers I've read ("Mistress of Spices" and "Sister of My Heart), but a great story. And I'm up to Book 5 of Sara Donati's series - now reading "Queen of Swords". Book 6 is beside my bed...
In the coming week : Jacob is staying with his Uncle for the day tomorrow so we will have a nice day with Sam and no brothers fighting! I am working at the library Sunday afternoon. Boys back to school on Monday so some time back for me, and Xmas card making on Monday night with my Quilting Housegroup. A day with my friend Katherine on Wednesday. Coffee group here on Friday, and I may even get to a quilt show next weekend.
Just a couple of blog loves to share this week - haven't been looking at the computer very much....
Gorgeous felt works from Ieva Vilnius in Lithuania.
And take a fresh look at Geninne's Art blog - her recent colour posts are stunning.
What are you looking forward to next week?


  1. Beautiful irises, more links to sweet sites, and an inspiring collage page - you've lightened up my housework day!! Thanks!

  2. Hi, Lynette!Thank you very much for the compliments of my work! I am glad that you liked it!
    My blog link in your blog has been a pleasant surprise for me.
    Thank you very much again!
    kind regards-Ieva


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