Friday, September 17, 2010

Tissue Fabric and Friday Inspirations

We are having a wet spring - lots of time for reading/crafting/watching - the garden is way too soggy to work in, and I don't fancy doing too much walking in the rain. Was sunny this morning to walk to the boys to school, but the predicted storm has started so it will be pickup in the car.
I am inspired by Rebekah Meier's techniques and was very happy to get her book for my birthday. It has sat on my bookshelf for a while, but at last I have tried one of the techniques in there - it is called Tissue Fabric, and she has photos of some pieces on her blog and here. These are my steps so far : First the torn tissues sandwiched between 2 layers of fusible - I have peeled back the top release paper here.
Top release paper removed. The top is sticky enough to add things like foil or angelina fibres if you wish.
I then painted it with watered-down blue acrylic paint, and then added some green-gold metallic paint for sparkle - not sure that I need to add any foil now. This has been ironed to cotton fabric which has now become the base. The result is stitchable, and is much softer than fabric paper. I will continue to experiment with this.Onto what I'm watching - Craig and I love this series and have been watching the old seasons from the library. We are about 1/2 way through season 3.
My brother was lovely and came to look after the kids so that we finally got to see this movie. Still thinking about it - lots in it.Scored well at a sale at the DVD shop the other day - we have plenty to watch for a wet weekend (or 3!!) Enjoying reading this - an old man reminiscing about his days working in a circus
And Katherine loaned me this wonderful book. It is now on my Xmas list! Click on the cover to go to a view of the pages within on Amazon .
Blog love this week :
Divine combination of Ruth Rae and e.e.cummings here
Take a look at a couple of free 10 min shows presented by Linda Kemshall - I found her talking about where she finds and captures inspiration for projects particularly inspiring.
Angie Hughes continues to inspire with this new work.
Hope you have time to create this weekend.


  1. Lovely post as usual and great paper - I have this book and will try this method!
    Do you subscribe to Design Matters TV? I keep thinking about it

  2. Hi Jacqui - I haven't subscribe yet tho keep being being tempted...maybe when I have less projects stacked up in my mind that I want to try - what are the chances?!

  3. Your tissue fabric has worked really well......I knew there was a reason why I had to buy another packet of tissues at work the other day for our stash - so plan to use colourful little birds next time!

  4. I am so happy that you have my book and tried the tissue fabric technique. Since writing the book I have found so many ways to use the tissue material. I like to use the scraps to create cards.
    Thank you so much for posting on your blog and sharing your work!



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