Thursday, September 30, 2010

Snapshots of Yesterday

I really like the idea of the project that Ali Edwards has done the past few years where you capture "A Week in the Life" of you - you consciously take photos of your ordinary experiences so you can look back and remember the usual stuff, instead of just the 'occasions' that we tend to photograph. With that in mind, I decided to take some pics of our yesterday to share with you : The remains of building a hut in the loungeMorning snacksTulips in our garden (some raindrops on them today after the sunshine-filled day yesterday)Screen time - we have limits on screens - one hour after school during school weekdays, and 2 hours weekends/hols (depending on the weather). This can be allocated as they choose on the TV, computer or X-Box. They can earn more screen time by reading or by really good behaviour."Bad Jelly" on CD is a firm fav.I am onto book 3, "Lake in the Clouds" of Sara Donati's Wilderness series.Getting another applique block together while boys are otherwise occupied.
The Trampoline- the best present we bought for Xmas a few years ago now.Twilight cricket - this was taken at 7.15pm. I love daylight savings.And thought I would photograph the rest of our family : Penny - she is almost 18 years old now - quite an old lady. Baxter - almost 3 years old - still puppy-ish in some ways. I am not a dog person but the kids love him.
I completed the BlackCurrants applique block once the boys were in bed.
And now I have a memory of a typical ordinary day in the hols which I can look back on in 6 months or 12 months or 6 years :-)

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