Friday, September 24, 2010

More Cards and Friday Inspirations

This week - another applique block fused - plums this time. This brings the count up to 6 done - 3 to go. And I finished 10 more heart & butterfly cards. These are blanks ready for 'found' words as per my last post. Onto what I've been reading. I first read Lionel Shriver some months ago. "We need to talk about Kevin" is sensitively written - I found the characters interesting, and the story told in flashbacks compelling. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to get into others she's written. I didn't make it past the first 50 pages of "Game Control". And I've been trying to read "So Much for That" this week, and have got through the first 100 pages. The subject of the book should have been interesting, but there was too much political soap-boxing for me. I suspect that I won't make it much further, and instead these will become my focus this weekend : I have just started re-reading this series by Sara Donati. The first is "Into the Wilderness". I have read the first 3 books before, but it is now a complete series of 6. It has been awhile since I read the first ones, so it is a pleasure to rediscover characters and plots, knowing I will enjoy it, but not remembering exactly what comes next. I love Diana Gabaldon's "Outlander" series, and this is a similar pleasure - historically accurate setting and events, strong and sympathtic characters, and interesting plot.
Some good blog inspiration this week:
Patti Van Dorin's blog often inspires, and this week she has been sharing old journal pages.
Carole Brungar is a fellow Palmerston North blogger - she shared a tutorial on making quick and easy journal/book covers - her examples are colourful and inspiring.
I suspect I will be getting back into Art Journalling again very soon - this link will take you to a page of quick tutorials/ideas from Debbie Hodge to get you, as well as me :-), inspired again.
And for a more general dose of arty inspiration, go to this Cloth Paper Scissors blogpost with 14 days of Art Prompts plus lots more in the comments made by other readers.
Happy weekend - and Happy holidays if you are in NZ with school-age kids :-)


  1. Well howdy Lynn and so sorry I couldn't have got here sooner. I love those cards!! The themes are great and the colours and textures are inspiring. I particularly love the repeat use of texture and theme as you move from one card to the next.
    You should apply to exhibit at the next alt.shift.crft art fair. I think you'd do well. Come over to my site to get the link. We had our first show at the Thermostat Art Gallery last Sunday and it was hugely successful.

  2. Hey, I discovered your blog through iHanna, and I was looking for a book and loved Diana Gabaldon's Outlander serie, so I am looking forward to finding and reading this Sara Donati. Exactly the king of book I need right now, thank you.


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