Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Quilts to Show

As promised, I am sharing the photos of my 4 quilts that will be on show this weekend as part of the "Celebration of Quilts" by Rose City Quilters. In order of production :
"Guitars" was made for my husband's 40th birthday. It is a pattern by Robbi Joy Eklow. She is a wonderful quilt artist. Click here for her gallery on her website, and I highly recommend her book, which of course I own :-) Click on the cover to see inside.In the book she explores quilt design and machine quilting motifs. Craig's quilt was fused, and then the applique also quilted the 3 layers together.
"Pacific Paradise" is a quilt pattern is by a New Zealand quilt artist, Donna Ward. I love her Pacifica designs. The colour choices are my own (and are closer to the top view than the detail photo!) Quilt 3 evolved from Susan-Claire Mayfield's online mystery block of the month in 2009 at Gourmet Quilter (sorry, the link to this seems to be gone now). The geckos, tapa flowers and border are my variations. I called it "Pacific Stars" and it was gifted away.My fourth, and maybe favourite, quilt is from a class I did with Mary Transom (another very talented NZ quilt artist). Click here for her website which features many of her wonderful original designs. This is my "Blue Poppies" quilt. If you are local, please call in to view the quilts. The show is on 10-4pm, Fri 27th - Sun 29th August, at the Convention Centre in Palmerston North. Adults $5, children free when accompanied by an adult.


  1. Just love the details on those poppies! x

  2. Aaw - wish I was in Palmy this weekend, I would love to see them inperson.

    What an amazing collection of your work.
    My fave is the blue poppies as well!

  3. I noticed the ribbon on guitars - didn't have time to look at them all, so don't know if you have any other ribbons! Congratulations, you VERY talented girl, you!

  4. I kniw this an older posting but I love your quilting work. The colours and stitching are fantastic. An inspiration.
    Snow all gone?


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