Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Happiness is....

Our Magnolia is in bloom. First day of Spring tomorrow.This blog post by Hanna inspired my own bead creations over the last couple of days Below are the paper ones. I liked adding the text words. Others are wrapped with metallic thread or wire, or encircled with stamping.These are the fabric ones. Embossing worked well. Threads were glued on with gel medium. And these are some I made a few months ago - you wrap silk strips (the pink) around a wooden chopstick. Stich some kunin felt with metallic thread and a fancy stitch from your machine. Then wrap strips of the felt over the silk and use a heat gun to burn back the felt - crusty and lovely eh?Purchases from the past week that are making me happy :
Silk sari ends - shot silk and gorgeously raggy....wonder what I will create with these.And a few new accessories - I needed the new bag and wallet (my others broke in the last week)...I just really wanted the necklace!What's making you happy this week?


  1. This post makes me happy, seeing what you shared and that I inspired you! Your beads are beautiful, and the necklace and wallet -mmmm, beautiful stuff!

  2. Very nice Paris book. Love the detailing, lucky person/traveler.
    I know Palmerston North, nice city and it appears pretty arty.
    Looking for the pansy book now, aloha Lilla


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