Friday, July 30, 2010

Review of the week

At last I pruned my roses. The garden is looking rather bare, but I quite like that winter sparseness. I promise I will share a pic of this in spring & summer.And my tulips are all through in the raised bed. On my kitchen windowsill - I love the scent of daphne I also (sit down before you read this Dad!) cleaned the car....both gardening and car cleaning require an iPod - on mine at the moment is Pink "Funhouse" and Lily Allen "Alright, still" and "It's not me, it's you", and some Snow Patrol tracks.
I have been enjoying Audrey Tautou this week in a couple of French Sub-Titled films. Happenstance : quirky interlinked stories of how one decision can have unexpected results.Priceless : romantic comedyI am hoping to re-watch this on the weekend. I remember when it came out it was fabulous. And I have been doing a bit more dog walking :-) Journal page from a few months ago. Looking forward to 2 days of rugby & stitching. Hope you have a happy weekend

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